Search for data breaches associated with one or more accounts.

account_breaches(accounts, truncate = FALSE, domain = NULL,
  as_list = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, agent = NULL)



A character vector of email addresses or account names


Whether responses should be trimmed to just name of breached site


Search a specific domain


whether to return results as a list (default, TRUE) or a data.frame, When returned as a data.frame only accounts with at least one breach are returned.


whether to message about http errors and re-tries


agent to be used as header in calls, by default "HIBPwned R pkg". # nolint


List of data.frames containing results


Note that the package uses memoise ( with no timeout argument so that results are cached inside an active R session.


#> http error code: 403
#> Try number 2
#> http error code: 403
#> Try number 3
#> http error code: 403
#> Try number 4
#> http error code: 403
#> Try number 5
#> http error code: 403
#> Try number 6
#> This is the last try, if it fails will return NULL
#> http error code: 403
#> http error code: 403
#> Try number 2
#> http error code: 403
#> Try number 3
#> http error code: 403
#> Try number 4
#> http error code: 403
#> Try number 5
#> http error code: 403
#> Try number 6
#> This is the last try, if it fails will return NULL
#> http error code: 403
#> $`` #> NULL #> #> $`` #> NULL #>